Fictional Dog: the haunting dream of beauty

Wednesday, December 28, 2005

the haunting dream of beauty

A story of a mysterious woman in my dreams one night.

5:30 in the morning still a little groggy-eyed and my mind is racing...
While getting dressed i'm thinking to myself, as i get ready for another day "Man.. this girl just won't go away!"
I knew i never seen her before til that very moment in time and now the question was - will i ever?
All i could remember was...
She smiled from a distance "Will i see you later?" she last spoke. And that was it, she was gone!

On my way into town this misty early morning, the car heater on high, I passed one green light after another. It all seemed so routine from day to day but this morning i had something haunting my mind. Little did i know that on this day, my life would take a turn around an unknown corner.

I finally caught a red light and now idle waiting, waiting just sitting there in a blank. I suddenly snapped back to reality, not even sure when the light had turned green, a cup of now lukewarm java in my hand, wondering how i even got this far?
Being in deep thought can do that you know.

Of course, I was thinking of her, even this early in the morning she was on my mind. I guess with me, when something sticks in my head or the lack of remembering, it continues to eat away at me till i finally figure it out.

Her eyes were so vivid, calling, inviting yet had no name behind them. Why so mysterious? i thought. This was getting old already and my day hadn't even started, but i still wasn't ready to give her up just yet. I would keep racking my brain till it would either find out who she was or... mentally explode!

Sitting at the next light seemed like forever and my heart was once again pounding as her haunting continued in my soul. Have you ever had moments like these before? I did, but this was so different this time round. I hated it yet i couldn't let go! What was my problem i asked myself as i made a left turn down to Sunset. I was getting to work right on time as always and my first cup of coffee was now ice cold.

I pulled up to my usual spot and said a lil prayer. I knew God seen me through some rough times before and i wasn't sure what today was going to bring so i asked him for strenght to work this all out somehow or to just let it go. He also knew how i let these things get to me at times, but i know he's patient... Today he would need to be just alittle more.

As for my new boss? Not at all patient... with anyone! He seemed to like my work but then he was a hard one to read.
I was just like all the rest at the office, crammed in a lil cubical on the computer most of the day. I couldn't complain. This was my first steady job in some time and i was grateful, but i really wanted to be doing something more my style, more creative and less confining. I had now been out of work for almost a year and now at my new job the past 4 months.

I really felt like the oddball there amongst all the shirts and skirts, yet i had adjusted well and made a few casual friends. Either i was liked...or not, but i was there to do a job and didn't have time to worry what others thought of me one way or the other, I had more important things on my mind this morning.

Was today really going to be just like any other? I thought the pile on my desk would snap me out of it and i would be just fine, so i thought...

Until lunch time.


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